How to Deal with Road Rage

Deal with Road Rage

Take control of your anger on the road with these tips.

Aggressive driving has been a problem on our roadways for a while, and it only seems to be getting worse. With increased traffic, more learners, and a higher number of construction projects on the roads, it’s no surprise that many of us suffer from the occasional road rage.

Research suggests that aggressive driving is not just down to careless habits or a specific group of problem drivers. This leads some motorists to behave in a way that they wouldn’t normally act in their day-to-day life. Studies show that we’ll often blame others’ personalities or abilities for driving errors while blaming our own on the external environment or a situation out of control. This may lead to anger and frustration being directed at other motorists.

In order to get a grasp on your road rage, whether you experience it daily or every now and again, here’s how to handle it.

  • Take a deep, controlled breath to relieve muscular tension.
  • Take a break if you need to – Don’t keep driving if you feel like it’s not safe
  • Focus on the road ahead. It sounds obvious, but try not to go over the stressful incident in your head.
  • Don’t take it personally. Don’t slam on your brakes to teach the guy behind you a lesson. That’s a good way to make things worse or cause an accident.
  • Don’t have expectations of others. Even if you’re a considerate person behind the wheel, others many not. Lose the expectations and always drive defensively.
  • Practice safe and considerate driving, no matter what others are doing. Avoid speeding, cutting in line, and tailgating.
  • Don’t provoke angry drivers. An offended driver can turn dangerous very quickly. If you see someone driving erratically, move away as soon as possible.
  • Take measures to protect yourself. If there seems to be any driver following your every move, head to a well-populated and safe place where you know you’ll receive help, such as a police or fire station.

Changing the way you think and react behind the wheel will allow you to enjoy a calmer and safer driving experience.

While you manage your road rage, let the insurance professionals handle your car insuranceVisit the industry experts at Kurt Rolf Insurance Agency, serving Minnesota, Wisconsin, Florida, South Dakota, and Arizona.